Mission and Vision

We continuously strive for upliftment of those who are in need , deprived section of society providing assistance to their needs and increasing their self dependency with the help of paving new ways for job , education and betterment of health so that they could be part of mainstream

We work to install in a child the curiosity to learn and to give him or her the key to the greatest pool of knowledge out there - The Internet - by suitably augmenting school curriculum. We transfer four sets of practical skills to these children: computer and internet usage; language and communication skills, particularly in English; current and social affairs awareness; and personality development.

‘Prayas Welfare Foundation’ is a Registered Charitable Organization with a mission to provide better living facilities among the deprived sections of the society. Our mission is to re-define life and promote quality life to the poor farmers, children and the needy. We have been working to improve the lives of disadvantaged children, their families and communities through an approach that puts children at the centre of community development. We have been working with our partners to help children access their rights to proper healthcare, basic education, and healthy environment, protection from abuse and exploitation and participation in decisions that affect their lives.

The aim of PWF is to provide assistance for education of children economically and socially disadvantaged families with emphasis on helping them to reach their maximum potential, to help in times of medical emergency, to assist construction of shelter; to provide economic tools - financial assistance and guidance - for the poor to work their way out of poverty with dignity and grace.

We work to instill in a child the curiosity to learn and to give him or her the key to the greatest pool of knowledge out there - The Internet - by suitably augmenting school curriculum. We transfer four sets of practical skills to these children: computer and internet usage; language and communication skills, particularly in English; current and social affairs awareness; and personality development. The first of these, Computers and the Internet, lies at the core of our effort, and is used to drive the other three. These four skills, we believe, will give them a base of tools and help the children understand, identify, and access opportunity for themselves.


To prevent child abandonment.

To preserve family by meeting their needs through community programs.

To prevent child labor.

To educate communities on the importance of education.

To encourage and empower girls towards education and promote gender equality.

To promote a healthy family system

To provide learner friendly and conducive educational environment.

To include values of community service, national integrity.

Donate to a Healthier India : Collective effort is required to address the public health challenges we face today. Partner with PWF and support initiatives to strengthen public health initiatives in India.